So that the ordered goods reach their destination safely, service-strong logistics service providers such as Alt FineCom Finishing-eCommerce-Logistics GmbH are in demand. Because FineCom even reprocesses textiles from returns.
The logistics specialist FineCom has three things in common with us as an omnichannel solution provider. Our customers are retailers from the areas of fashion, sport and lifestyle. We both rely on consistently digitized supply chains. And recently we have been pulling together in a partnership for the first customer.
For a perfect customer journey, ROQQIO networks a wide variety of sales channels and FineCom handles the logistics from the order to the return. This alliance of two partners ensures that ordered goods reach their destination safely. And that returns don't end up in the trash.
Like ROQQIO, FineCom also works for customers in online retail. The focus is on high-quality lifestyle items such as clothing, shoes, accessories and cosmetics. FineCom's special expertise in the processing of textiles goes back three generations and has its roots in a company based in Heilbronn that was founded in 1954 as a laundry.
FineCom wants to make all relevant information available to everyone as quickly and easily as possible at every point in the logistics process - as part of a supply chain, even beyond the borders of your own company. With this high standard, FineCom wants to seamlessly connect to the sales processes of its customers via the ROQQIO Commerce Cloud. The e-commerce solution controls information from the most diverse sales channels with complex backend processes from order management to payment and thus also implements a smooth interface to logistics.
"In the partnership with ROQQIO, we can make the flow of goods and data even more efficient and thus make logistics processes more sustainable and customer-focused," says Franz S. Alt, who as managing partner is responsible for Alt FineCom Finishing-eCommerce-Logistics GmbH and digitally develops it further. "Together we have the entire customer journey in view from the first to the last click of the end consumer and support the customer experience with a variety of value-added services for an individual all-round service in contract and returns logistics."