Webinar: Control sales on eBay Outlet with ROQQIO
Remnants in different branches? Sell decentrally in the eBay outlet with the ROQQIO Commerce Cloud - current webinar.
Die ROQQIO Commerce Cloud unterstützt Filialisten mit einer Schnittstelle zum eBay Outlet darin, Sonder- und Restposten online an den interessierten Kunden zu bringen. Wie das funktioniert, erfahren Sie in unserem aktuellen Webinar am 29. April 2020 um 10:00 Uhr oder zu einem späteren Zeitpunkt im Download. Wir wollen Ihnen aufzeigen, wie Sie mit Hilfe der ROQQIO Commerce Cloud dezentral, aus Ihren Filialen heraus, unter Ihrem Geschäftsnamen, über das eBay Outlet verkaufen können. Das Webinar führen wir gemeinsam u.a. mit einem Berater von eStrategy Consulting durch, für strategische Tipps zu einer schnellen aber sorgfältigen Umsetzung dieses Online-Verkaufes. Wie Ihre Filialen parallel auf die neue Verkaufsform geschult werden, weiß unser Partner i-ways.
ROQQIO and eBay Outlet
Selling leftover goods online for companies with many branches is a complex task. The offers and prices of the branches at the different locations often differ. The connection to the eBay outlet via the ROQQIO Commerce Cloud takes this into account. Our software from the cloud manages the sale of items from the various branches via an interface to the eBay outlet. Retailers can use the connection between Commerce Cloud and eBay to sell their branches independently via a common platform. Each branch decides for itself which products to offer on the outlet platform “Händlername.ebay” and at what price. The ROQQIO Commerce Cloud supports all necessary processes with your data, right through to shipping to the customer.
Control center for e-commerce
The ROQQIO Commerce Cloud is an enterprise SaaS application for e-commerce. She manages different sales channels and controls complex backend processes. This includes automated order processing from online ordering to payment processing to picking, shipping and the handling of returns. With the connection of our solution to the eBay outlet, we want to support retailers in the current situation with the sale of leftover goods.
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